Zines and Books

To print zine: download Print version, select print on both sides (duplex) and flip on short edge left.

To make your own zine google ‘free pdf to booklet’ or upload a single page pdf  to bookletify

Open Office Writer is a free program you can use to format or write your own zines.


To sew a book together, check out this video. It doesn’t require any cutting and you can glue a cover around the text block to help it stay together better. It’s also very forgiving to make up for how time consuming it is. The third pdf icon from the left on theanarchistlibrary.org is formatted into signatures so you can start sewing without having to do all that signature math. Waxed thread and curved needles can make the process easier.

To glue a book together see this video. if you wanna make your own glue this might work. only modification is if you print a single page pdf as booklet (using bookletify or adobe acrobat reader free version) you cut all the pages in half (with a boxcutter and metal ruler or paper guillotine) so that its single page again and stack the first half of pages onto the second half and then print out an 8.5″ by 11″ cover. theanarchistlibrary.org prints them into signatures so you can stitch or stack, cut and glue just divide the signatures up and cut in half. Stack up some books and put the book your gluing in between with the spine sticking out so you can glue it with a glue brush. Glue the text block together and then wrap a cover around it and glue it or put some book tape on the spine if a cover won’t fit. The  number of pages has to be divisible by 4. For some book pdf’s google name of book plus pdf or check theanarchistlibrary.org, libgen, opendistro.net or this

its better to do smaller signatures like 10 pages or so but you can see discussion about it here. the signatures don’t all have to be the same size they just have to fit all the pages on the sheets.




Absolute Typhos by Alejandro de Acosta Print


Secrets of the Assassins by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print


Stirner Excerpts from Anarcho Monarchism Print


Anarcho-Monarchism Screen Reading


Anarcho-Monarchism Book Print


Radical Aristocratism Screen Reading


Radical Aristocratism Print


Agriculture by John Zerzan Print


Anarchic Latency: Voluntary Servitude in Ernst Junger’s Eumeswil by Anna Roberts Key


Islamic Anarchism Print


Community Print


The Mass Psychology of Misery by John Zerzan Print


The Art of Nothing by Thomas J Elpel Print


Left Rites by Bob Black Print


Assault on the Impossible Excerpt Print


Boundary Violations by Hakim Bey Print


The Sacred Conspiracy by Georges Bataille Print


Sobriety by Michiko Malandro Print


Night Market Noodles by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print


The Pattern is The Pattern Print


The Pattern Screen Reading


ESOTERIC ANTINOMIANISM by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print





Rocks Screen Reading


Rocks Print



Selections from Immediatism by Hakim Bey Print


Immediatism by Hakim Bey




Manuke Revolt Print


Manuke Revolt Read



Justice Primitive and Modern by Bob Black Print


Justice Primitive and Modern by Bob Black Screen Reading




ploughing clouds jealousy of the gods peter lamborn wilson Print


Ploughing the Clouds by Peter Lamborn Wilson Full Book




The Ontological Status of Conspiracy Theory by hakim bey Print


Ontological Status of Conspiracy Screen Reading



Ong’s Hat Print



The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism by fredy perlman Print


Continuing Appeal of Nationalism Screen Reading



boundary violations by hakim bey print





CALIBAN’S MASQUE Spiritual Anarchy & The Wild Man in Colonial America by PLW Screen Reading


CALIBAN’S MASQUE: Spiritual Anarchy & The Wild Man in Colonial America by PLW Print



peter lamborn wilson on violence and luddism screen reading



An Illegalist Space Program In Four Parts Print


An Illegalist Space Program Screen Reading



undoing reality by ron sakolsky print



life against death by max res print



Kill the Child Screen Reading


Kill The Child Print



The Reproduction of Daily Life by Fredy Perlman Screen Reading


The Reproduction of Daily Life Print



egoism by john beverly robinson single page (put into bookletify to print)



Outside of Social War Print



Communiques from the Atlanta Forest Defense Print


Communiques from the Atlanta Forest Defense Screen Reading



Anarcho-Pessimism by Laurance Labadie Excerpts Screen Reading


Anarcho-Pessimism by Laurance Labadie Excerpts Print



Re-Enchant Your World! Screen Reading


Re-Enchant Your World! Print



is it conviviality? by nico robin screen reading


is it conviviality? by nico robin print



The Lemonade Ocean & Modern Times by Hakim Bey Print


The Lemonade Ocean & Modern Times Screen Reading



The Bonnot Gang Print



The Heaven of Civilization Screen Reading


The Heaven of Civilization Print



Cybernetic Mommy Milkers Screen Reading


Cybernetic Mommy Milkers Print



Mommy Milkers Part 2 by anon Screen Reading


Mommy Milkers Part 2 Print



Queering Friendship Print



The Individual Against Moloch Screen Reading


The Individual Against Moloch by Benjamin De Casseres Print



The Aristocracy of Tramps Screen Reading


The Aristocracy of Tramps Print



Alchemy of Luddism by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print


Alchemy of Luddism by Peter Lamborn Wilson Screen Reading



Anarchy 101 by Bob Black Screen Reading


Anarchy 101 by Bob Black Print



Techne-Logos by Bellamy Fitzpatrick Screen Reading


Techne-Logos by Bellamy Fitzpatrick Print



Corrosive Consciousness, Part I by bellamy fitzpatrick print


Corrosive Consciousness Whole Book



Saint Max by Peter Lamborn Wilson Screen Reading


Saint Max by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print



Seklew on Ownness Print


Selfew on Ownness Screen Reading



Nechayev Screen Reading


Nechayev Print



Indiscriminate Anarchists Screen Reading


Indiscriminate Anarchists Print



The Truth About Primitive Life by Ted K Print


The Truth About Primitive Life by Ted K Screen Reading



The Case Against Art by John Zerzan Print


The Case Against Art Screen Reading



The Vexed Iconostasis by Peter Lamborn Wilson Screen Reading


The Vexed Iconostasis by Peter Lamborn Wilson Print



Debunking Democracy by Bob Black Print


Debunking Democracy by Bob Black Screen Reading



The Abolition of Work by Bob Black Print



Consensus Submission Making by Jason Rodgers Print



Let it Rot Print



Let it Rot Screen Reading



Progress is a Noose Screen Reading


Progress is a Noose Print



Live Like a Luddite Screen Reading


Live Like a Luddite Print



The Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey Screen Reading


The Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey Print



Georges Palante Double Feature Screen Reading


Georges Palante Double Feature Print



Deciding For Oneself Screen Reading


Deciding For Oneself: Democracy, Consensus and Unanimity In Anarchist Practice Print



The Hidden Afterlife of Garbage – print


Hidden Afterlife of Garbage Screen Reading



trash & landfills anews print


trash & landfills screen reading



An Invitation to Desertion by Bellamy Fitzpatrick



How the Stirner Eats Gods by Alejandro de Acosta Print


How the Stirner Eats Gods Screen Reading



Above the Arch by Renzo Novatore print


Above the Arch Screen Reading



Cancelling the Project by Guillaume Paoli Screen Reading


Cancelling the Project Print



Stirner on Social Structures Print


Stirner On Social Structures Screen Reading



Language by John Zerzan Screen Reading


Language by John Zerzan Print



An Anarchist Critique of Modern Medicine by Mallory Wournos – print


Anarchist Critique of Modern Medicine Screen Reading



What Does Green Anarchy Mean Today? by Ramon Elani – print


What Does Green Anarchy Mean Today? Screen Reading



We Have Nothing To Say by Goat – print


We Have Nothing to Say Screen Reading



A Funny Thought on a New Way to Play Screen Reading


A Funny Thought on a New Way to Play Print



Humanism by Stirner – print


Humanism Single Page



The Ideology of Work by Jacques Ellul – print


The Ideology of Work Single Page



Tang Ping Manifesto Screen Reading


Tangping Manifesto Print



The Critique of Collectivism Printing


The Critique of Collectivism Screen Reading



Egoist Ecology by Bellamy Fitzpatrick Print


Egoist Ecology by Bellamy Fitzpatrick Screen Reading